

Rachel Grammes is a writer and photographer based in Denver, Colorado. She graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder in the Spring of 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in Rhetoric and a double minor in Women and Gender Studies and Technology, Arts and Media.

At large, Rachel examines embodiment, the idiosyncrasies of the individual in relationship to the shared experiences of the collective, and being and becoming. Rachel feels that contemplating these ideas in her art-making gives her insight into the most honest and infinitely complex picture of the subject.

In her work, Rachel responds to the tension between private and public life. Enamored with documentary genres and efforts, she strives to create an intentional story with her subject, entirely unique to their collaboration. Inveterately curious, Rachel longs to know her subjects, study them intently, and capture them as they are. She is fascinated with the contours of the internal landscape and how they externalize aesthetically, socially, and philosophically.

Rachel also specializes in digital marketing and branding. She is currently the Digital Marketing Associate at the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver.